-- Tuesday, March 08, 2005 --

Desktop Search 1.0 Released by Google

kindlasti paljud fännid on seda näppinud juba ammu..kuid nüüd ta siis ametlikult väljas.. ise ma seda just kasutanud pole aga tundub huvitava mõttena.. ons kellelgi kogemusi.. ?.. mida jagada.. tunneks huvi küll.. enne kui ise asja kallale asuda..

Desktop Search 1.0 Released by Google
Google's desktop search, which has been in beta testing for five months,
lets users who download the program conduct a full text search of their e-mail,
files on their computer, Web bookmarks, chats, Web page history and other
features. Google Desktop Search 1.0 also includes support for the Firefox and
Netscape browsers, Thunderbird and Netscape e-mail, and Chinese and Korean
interfaces.Google also added a plug-ins Feature so that developers can integrate
their software into the Google Desktop catalog.

Google Desktop Search is available at http://desktop.google.com


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