-- Monday, March 28, 2005 --

homme palugem jumalat.. et ei juhtuks halvim..

P2P Heading for Supreme Court Showdown

The technology proponents warn that stifling P2P services would slow down a great deal of technology growth; the impact would not be confined to illegal file sharing. "There are plenty of legitimate reasons to use P2P networks," says Yankee Group's Nitin Gupta.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a highly anticipated case that may determine the future of peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing services.


Billionaire backs P2P firm's battle with Hollywood

Technology entrepreneur, Dallas Mavericks owner, billionaire, blogger and often blowhard Mark Cuban has pledged to finance P2P software maker Grokster's legal war with the major record labels and movie studios.

The Supreme Court tomorrow will hear arguments surrounding Grokster and StreamCast's dispute with the media companies. Hollywood is hoping the high court will overturn two lower court decisions that said makers of decentralized P2P software cannot be held liable for users who trade copyrighted files. Cuban, who owns movie theaters and the rights to numerous TV shows and movies, has gone against his peers by saying P2P software should have a chance to thrive.


Mark Cuban'i enda blogisse kirjutatud pihtimus sellel teemal:
Let the truth be told…MGM vs Grokster
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