-- Wednesday, March 02, 2005 --

surmanuhtlus alla 18-aastastele.. õige või vale?!

samal ajal kui eestis ja paljudes muudes maailmamaades on surmanuhtlus üldse ära kaotatud vaieldi pikalt ja pinevalt ühendriikides surmanuhtluse üle alla 18-aastastele.

Mida sina arvad surmanuhtlusest kui sellisest..!!??

Death penalty for juveniles banned in U.S.
Washington — The United States lost its status yesterday as the only
country in the world to give official sanction to the execution of juveniles
after the Supreme Court abolished capital punishment for 16- and

samas see tuli nagu kõik seal teistpool lompi.. väga napilt.. kõigest 5-4 vastu...

In a 5-4 ruling, the court acknowledged the "overwhelming weight of public
opinion against the juvenile death penalty" and ruled that executing minors
constituted "cruel and unusual punishment," banned by the Constitution.

teistelt nõuab ta karme kohustusi ja kõiksugu seaduste vastuvõtmist ning täitmist.. samal ajal on ta koos Somaliaga ainumas riik kes ei ole vastu võtnud veel ÜRO laste õiguste deklaratsiooni ja viimase 15 aastaga on hukanud (loe: tapnud) rohkem alaealisi kui terves maailmas kokku..

"The United States has executed more adolescents than the entire world
combined over the past 15 years," he said in an interview.

Judge Kennedy also noted that only seven countries other than the United States have executed juveniles since 1990: Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo and China. In each case, the country has since banned the practice or has publicly disavowed it.

"In sum, it is fair to say that the United States now stands alone in a world that has turned its face against the juvenile death penalty," Judge Kennedy wrote

"And the United States and the collapsed state of Somalia are the only
countries that have not signed the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child,
which prohibits the death penalty for offenders under the age of 18."

samas nagu ikka leidub ka praegu tugevaid surmanuhtluse pooldajaid ka alaealistele..

"The message to gangs in the territory of the United States is: If you need to
get rid of witnesses or judges or attorneys, make sure you send a 17-year-old
and let them do your bidding for you, and nothing much is going to happen to
you," Mr. Green said.

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